Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Moon Landing

Like all kids, Saanvi loves bed time stories..

Animals-birds stories, fairy tales, fables...every night the stories flowed.

Very soon we ran out of the stories we knew !

One night, unable to recollect any known story, I thought I will tell something which was different.

That was the story of landing of first man on Moon !

I was unsure if Saanvi would like this story but anyways narrated it..

To my surprise, Saanvi loved that story and it became a bed time routine to end with Moon landing story..

Recently when she started putting her ideas & imaginations to drawings, that moon landing story transformed into a drawing..

Not only that.. she has updated the story based on her own imagination & its her story now

Here is the moon landing story in her own words..

Story of Moon Landing by Saanvi

Click the link to listen to the audio of Moon landing story narrated  by Saanvi


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Saanvi,
    It is such a pleasure to hear your voice. It is night time here now and your story is a great bed time story for me. Thank you, child!
    P.S: Your drawing is excellent.
    -Sunaath ajja
    I deleted the earlier comment for a spelling mistake I had made.
