Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Fathers Day

   The sweetest day of summer, is a day of appreciation.

A father is a child's best friend, and a great role-model.

Which is why fathers and grandfathers deserve love 

 On this special day, we can show them,

How much they mean to us!

Fathers day was about 10 days ago,

But I would like to appreciate my dad,

Who started this blog for me, 10 years ago!

"Smiles and Jokes,

Funny faces.

Reading contests!

Harry Potter races!

A little bit of preaching,

Long lectures too.

Teaching me manners...

And Star Wars- oooh!

Sometimes I get mad,

You get upset too.

But I can imagine you saying,

"I only want to help you."

Help me improve,

At anything I do.

So here is a very well deserved:

I love you."

We love our dads!


  1. Sanvi is amazing. She, a ten year old girl, can write such wonderful poem! My love and best wishes to her.

  2. Thank you so much Sunaath Ajja, your comments can inspire any budding young author to continue and flourish! :)
