Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Letter to Santa

Last year around this time, we discussed for a long time and got convinced that we had done good deeds through the year. So we wrote a letter to Santa.

Dear Santa Claus,

How are you doing? Hope the elves and reindeers are in great spirit. 

Just to remind you that we have been really good throughout the year. We were little stupid & little naughty but most of the time we were good.

Can you please bring us a gift that is something special & lovely.
Regards to Mrs.Claus.


Looks like Santa was real busy handling  & delivering all the requests he got. So we thought Santa didn't  read our letter. But finally the reply from Santa did come few months late !

Ho Ho Ho !
You thought I had forgotten your request :)

It took some time to come up with your gift as you had asked for something special.
As both of you were really good this year.I've brought something really special !

I'm sure you will love it !!
Merry Christmas !
We checked the stocking for what Santa brought us...
Oh ! Gift was incredibly beautiful..

Here is the photo of the gift straight out of stocking..

Thanks Santa !
We are loving it !!


  1. the special @ lovly gift brought by santa is really superb!

  2. Beautiful and cutest gift ever!!

  3. Very cute gift. She is cutie pie :)

  4. oh how cool!:) congrats on the new arrival!
