Welcome to a new year! I wish you luck to overcome you fears. I wish you courage for all that you face, and if you struggle with hard times I hope that good times will quickly replace. Since Martin Luther King day was not long ago, let's honor him and others who are brave enough to find whats right out of wrong. May you be able to do the same this year!
If you see something wrong, big or small, what'll you do to get past it all?
Will you ignore it- let it go by.. or will you fight to improve it?
Try after Try.
We respect and honor those who are brave enough to turn wrong into right.
Those who don't give up, not without a fight!
One of those people was the might MLK.
He did not want to give up till he got his way.
He wanted freedom to ring through every town! Wanted freedom, at last, all around.
All people, all races, should be able to come round and gather.
Not any one of us is "better" in any way. It's time for us to stop seeing the world in all gray!
We all deserve the best- nothing less, so in the name of MLK and everyone who is brave.
Let's not stop till we get our way, and we shall not stop!
Equality, and courage should fill up this world, bottom to top.