The name 'Little Boy' is very tame. However, when 'Little Boy' was being carried away by the plane, Enola Gay, the pilots were not oblivious of how it would change the world. When 'Little Boy' was released- destruction followed. BOMB is the story of the atomic bomb and how it was created. The storyline describes the physicists that were hired to create one of the world's deadliest weapons. It describes how no information was safe due to the Nazis and Russian spies. BOMB is one of the most fascinating books I have ever read.
BOMB contains the names of scientists like Robert Oppenheimer, Harry Gold and Ted Halls. Robert Oppenheimer was the ring leader of the Manhattan Project, the code name for the building of the bomb. Secretly, he believed in Communism, which was considered threatening at the time. Harry Gold was a spy for the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union, also known as the Russians, were allies with the United States. The United States did not trust the Soviet Union completely, though. They were afraid of any information getting leaked. Ted Halls was a young physicist hired to create the bomb. BOMB also contained what information the spies traded, how the government reacted to the news of the bomb, why they chose Santa Fe as the location for the bomb building and what measures were taken to assure that the Nazis failed to create a weapon of mass destruction.
My favorite things about the book are the special comments from the physicists, scientists, victims and the spies themselves. Every person had their own part of what happened and most of their stories came into this book. I can find out why they chose Ted Halls to work for the team in Santa Fe . The book covers the background of every physicist and scientist that was involved in the building of the bomb. For example, we would be able to read a brief summary of Robert Oppenheimer's childhood and learn almost everything about him. In the end, in the epilogue, we learn about what happened to the Soviet Union spies or the secret communists. The description of the disasters that occurred, like the impact the bomb 'Little Boy' had on Hiroshima can leave a reader wincing!
BOMB is not only a book, but a time-travel machine. It can take you far back and it can teach you many many many things.